donderdag 16 april 2009

what was he thinking?

Eén van de meest interessante en originele blogs over fotografie is wel deze van fotograaf Blake Andrews. Andrews is lid van In-Public, een selectieve club van street photographers. Wekelijks focust hij op andere fotografen en stelt hen de vraag wat ze dachten bij het nemen van sommige van hun foto's. Het resultaat zie je hier, met bijdragen van o.a. Paul Russell, Bruce Hall, George Kelly, David Gibson, Colin Wood en Richard Bram. Hieronder enkele voorbeelden. Een blog om te volgen, mijn gedacht. En daarom meteen een sollicitatie voor onze 'Over de Muur'-rubriek.

© Bruce Hall

"Again I'm just off Broadway. I had been trying to get shots of shoppers looking into store windows which somehow seemed to represent a sad, stripped down version of the American dream. There was a kind of desperate quality to many of the people there, mostly poor Hispanics over for the day from east LA. I have some images that represent what I think I was after more effectively but this one is unique, almost with a surreal quality, and atypical in that there's just the little girl rather than the usual throng of people."

© Jesse Marlow

"This is one of the photos from my ‘Wounded’ book. I was completely obsessive while shooting this series. I shot the walking wounded as they went about their daily routines for over 2 years. I became an expert at spotting someone in a crowd with their arm a in sling. This is one of the last photos I shot in the series and was a bit of a gift from the photo gods. I had just had my morning coffee and as I walked out of the coffee shop noticed the person carrying the spine. I walked behind her keeping a good distance but still shooting a few frames, When she arrived at the intersection things came together. By chance the man on crutches appeared and walked through frame. I quickly took two frames, smiled to myself and walked off in the other direction."

© George Kelly

"Trying to adhere to a self-imposed rule (never pass up a potential opportunity, even if it means arriving somewhere late), I forced myself to circle back once I'd seen this odd event from my car. The lady was about ninety and was wearing a coarse wig. I couldn't figure out why she was sweeping up the windshield glass from the car that had demolished this pay phone. There was no residence or business anywhere near the site. Just someone trying to maintain order in a chaotic world."

3 opmerkingen:

pascal zei

de sollicitatie is aangekomen: blake is aanvaard en mag voortaan achter onze muur staan

pascal zei

De pic-of-the-month van In-Public is zeer zeker de moeite waard!

JanD zei

B stond al tussen m'n 'favorieten' - laat maar komen!